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Free your mind: 5 easy ways to make life more convenient

CardUp admin Jul 30, 2017 4:30:59 PM

Being organised is one of the most effective skills you can acquire to achieve success, whether that be in your personal life or at work. But for most it doesn’t come naturally and once procrastination takes hold, your to-do list can quickly become overwhelming. If you feel as though there are never enough hours in the day or that you’re getting bogged down with personal admin, here are a few simple tips and tricks that will save you time and make life far more convenient.



Having too much stuff can be a drain on every aspect of your life, distracting you from things that are more important. The therapeutic power of decluttering your personal space has been proven time and again; be ruthless and get rid of anything that you no longer use or need. There are plenty of charity stores island-wide that will accept your pre-loved goods (The Salvation Army, Blessings in a Bag, Metta Welfare Association, and MINDS shop are just a few worthy causes operating in Singapore). Or try websites like Carousell if you wish to sell items that are still in tip-top condition.

Plan your week in advance

By thinking about and planning your week in advance, you can approach Mondays as a fresh start rather than dreading them. Download a planning app (try Trello, OneNote, or Evernote) to keep track of everything you need to do that week; note down everything from appointments and meetings, to work and chores that need to be completed. Once you’ve set aside a time to do something, you’ll find it easier to keep procrastination at bay and work through your to-do list methodically.

Hire a virtual PA

It’s not as costly as you’d first anticipate to hire someone remotely that can take care of your personal admin. Delegating simple yet time consuming tasks will lift a weight from your shoulders. From booking flights and hotels, to your weekly online shop; delegating these everyday tasks will make your life infinitely more convenient. The cost of a virtual PA varies dependent on your requirements and their experience, but costs can start from as little as $5 per hour for basic, everyday tasks. Use sites like Zirtual, Upwork, Freelancer or People Per Hour to find an assistant with the skillset you need.


Schedule and automate all payments

Having to remember and manually pay multiple bills each month is an unwelcome chore that takes up a lot of brain space. By automating regular payments you’ll instantly take the pressure off knowing your finances are taking care of themselves. Using a platform like CardUp allows you to schedule recurring payments in advance, even to recipients who do not accept credit cards. That means you’ll never have to worry about making or missing payments such as your rent, condo fees, or insurance again. What’s more, it’s super simple and quick! It takes less than 5 minutes to sign up for a free account and schedule one year’s worth of rent payments at a go. Find out more here.




Stop using time-wasting apps

While smartphones can make life more efficient, there are certain apps that reign supreme when it comes to time-wasting and procrastination. Limit your time on these apps during the day or, if you must reach for your phone, try to add value instead of killing time. Why not switch scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feed for checking LinkedIn and catching up on articles published by those that inspire and motivate you?

To start automating your payments with CardUp, click here to sign up for a free account, log in if you’re an existing user or find out how it works here.

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