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CardUp Blog

Businessman enjoys navigating CardUp platform via his ipad in office

5 benefits of using credit cards for your business payments

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How to pay 2024 income tax with your credit card on CardUp

It's the time of the month again where we'll be receiving our IRAS income tax Notice of Assessment soon. If you're reading this article, you're probably searching for the most..

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How CROWD stands out with better working capital funding at 0% interest rates

“Sometimes the supplier offers a 5% discount for immediate payment. There you go, a no-brainer, CardUp to the rescue.” — Rose Tan, Founder of Crowd Pte Ltd About Founded in 2011,..

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19 Frequently-Asked Questions (and Answers) about Cash Flow

We speak to SMEs, business owners, accounting and finance professionals on a daily basis, and have gathered many insights about cash flow and financing. In our conversations, we..

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4 tips to show yourself financial self-love

The month of love: season of romantic dates and gestures of love and appreciation towards others. Well, it is also equally important to be reminded to love and appreciate yourself..

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The all-in-one guide to collecting payments online with CardUp

Delayed payments are a big pain for businesses.This issue plagues about 60% of all SMEs in Singapore and is a big worry for many companies. When left unchecked,delayed payments..

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